June 8, 2009

Rising Prices but decreasing inflation

It is very difficult to believe whom; our prime minister, finance minister, papers or the market. On one hand everybody from prime minister, finance minister, papers are saying collectively and repeatedly that inflation is coming down but when I go to market I get the first hand knowledge that prices are in no mood to come down rather they are going up and up without any rest.

This market scenario is not limited to my local market today every market in India is witnessing same phenomenon. Someone needs to see this aspect seriously and in true sense. Government is declaring programs every now and then to curb the rising prices but all these efforts of government have yet to show the results.

The current economy is creating wealth for already rich and people with poor income are striving like ever before. Per capita income is rising on papers and wealth is rising at a very slow rate. So where is the prosperity showcased by our leaders and economists? I have not seen the so call “India is Shining” effect in my surroundings.

There need to be some simple logic for all us to understand why inflation is decreasing and prices are increasing.

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