June 10, 2009

Nurturing Evils a very common Hypocrisy

I have seen many people promoting one idea and practicing just opposite. It is a matter of individual hypocrisy. Everybody does it with his logics to safeguard his opinion.People in relationships do cheat each other in various ways. husband says i never see another female in office but he loves to do so, the point here is people find it very difficult to be pure in actions and thoughts as well. Removing evils from thoughts are more important than removing evils in actions.Leave the poor individual I wonder when i see government advertisements speaking evils of liquor, tobacco or cigarettes etc. because on one hand government is charging heavy taxes on these items and allowing new sales locations for liquor /wine shops.When I see a new wine shop as being promoted in cities in the name of attracting tourists etc I feel nurturing of evils in glamorised ways. Why these model shops of wines are allowed in main market in an attracting facade to invite even a non drinker of wine/liquor.The IQ and logics used for these may be simple but are not good.

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