June 12, 2009

Police in Danger

It is very unfortunate to know that naxalite areas of Bihar, Jharkhand, and Orrisa are putting lot of pressure on Policemen deployed there. These Maoist outfits, as reported by leading papers, are using landmines to blow police vehicles. They are not only damaging government properties physically they are seriously damaging the image of these state forces in masses.
The common man is facing hard time, neither can they have full faith on these state forces for their protection nor do they feel safe against naxali threats. We need immediate solution to this problem either through political dialogues or through sheer administrative powers. We need government will to stop this.
I feel apart from these preventive measures government must look at corrective measures also by starting development work in interiors where people are facing difficulties in making their ends meets. Poverty is the main cause for these troubles as people are joining these anti state forces just to earn quick money and many a times have existence noticed.
We Indian citizens and one good community who are known for love and peace should not indulge in these acts of terror and anti social activities. At least my simple IQ says this.

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